What is an implant bridge?

 12-Tooth Upper Implant Bridge

An implant bridge is a one-piece set of teeth



What is an implant?

An implant is a small, screw-shaped medical device made of titanium




To replace natural teeth with an implant bridge,

you will need 3 things:

Implants, abutments and the bridge                   









What's involved in getting an implant bridge

What is an implant?

An implant is a titanium medical device shaped like a small screw                   

  • placed in the jawbone
  • acts as an anchor / foundation to hold the implant bridge
  • each implant has a small part called an abutment that connects
    the implant bridge to the implant.

W s an implant?

An implant is a titanium medical device shaped like a small screw                   

  • placed in the jawbone
  • acts as an anchor / foundation to hold the implant bridge
  • each implant has a small part called an abutment that connects
    the implant bridge to the implant.