Your first visit

Your initial appointment will usually last about 30-45 minutes.  During that time, we will complete a detailed exam of your teeth and gums (that will include a series of measurements) to help us determine the current condition of your mouth. 

This information will be used to determine the treatment options that can be used to restore the health of your mouth and replace any missing teeth.  Before any treatment is started, Dr. Kobza will discuss these options with you and answer all of your questions.

We usually will need a set of x-rays to complete your exam.  If you have current x-rays, we will call your dentist and have them forward those x-rays to us.

If you take medications, you should bring a current list of those medications.  

If you have dental insurance, please bring your current insurance card. 

Many patients ask if a referral is needed to make an appointment; this is not necessary.  If you do not have a dentist, we will be happy to make a recommendation to you.

Dr. Kobza will work closely with your dentist and any other dental specialists involved in your dental care.  A report of your treatment will be mailed to them for your records.