How do I start the treatment process?
First, are you a candidate for implants?
- To find out you will need to see an implant surgeon.
- There are two kinds of implant surgeons:
• Periodontists • Oral Surgeons
- These surgical specialists will determine if you have enough bone to place implants.
What will they do?
- The surgeon will take an X-ray called a "Panorex".
- This X-ray will show the amount of bone in two critical areas:
• The front of the mouth • The back of the mouth
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Panorex X-ray shows lower jaw at bottom, teeth in the center, and upper jaw at top | Panorex diagram of the upper jaw and remaining teeth Areas shaded brown represent bone. |
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What are the usual results for someone who is losing their teeth? • 80-85% of people have a common problem • Good bone in the front of the mouth • Not enough bone in the back of the mouth • A successful bridge must have implants in both areas. | |
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If there is not enough bone, is an implant bridge still possible? • Yes! An implant bridge is still possible • Three different types of surgery can be used to place the implants • Grafted, Standard, and Angled implant surgeries are all successful treatments. | 12-Tooth Lower Implant Bridge |